Prescott and Russell Law Association
1027 Queen Street, P.O. Box 540 L’Orignal ON K0B 1K0 Tel: (613) 675-2424 Fax: (613) 675-1003
The Prescott-Russell Law Association Library cannot provide legal advice,or research to members of the public. For step-by-step information about legal problems please try Steps to Justice funded by Legal Aid Ontario, The Law Foundation of Ontario and the Department of Justice Canada.
Or, search for a lawyer practicing in Prescott-Russell using our Lawyers Directory on this website.
PRLA Membership 2025: the form will be available in February.
Prescott & Russell Law Association Annual Membership 2025. The Prescott & Russell Law Association is a volunteer organization of lawyers & paralegals practicing law in the United Counties of Prescott & Russell. The Association provides continuing legal education to its members, organizes social events, and generally represents the interests of the local legal community to the Law Society of Ontario, government and the public.
As a courthouse library, 1027 Queen Street, L’Orignal the PRLA Library provides onsite access to online research tools, at no cost and no password required: WestLaw Crim. Fam. Est. LexisNexis Advance QL, Practical Guidance vLex Irwin. Plus traditional reference shelves and a work area: 3 desktops, printer/copiers, fax.
The PRLA website lists our members’ contact info and areas of practice.
Your continued support for, and participation in, the PRLA is appreciated.